Analytics & Reports

User Management

User Management allows you to control which sections of the Command Center users have access to, and allows you to add and manage your existing users’ access across two key areas:

  • Area Access - Gives a user access to the Production, Staging, and/or Development areas.
  • Command Center Access - Gives a user access to the Command Center including Rules, Query Rewrite, and Engine Configuration.

Adding a new user

To add a new user you must provide:

  1. Their email, which will act as a login
  2. Their password (you need to create one for them and inform them of it)
  3. Access to at least one Area
  4. Select which functionality you want them to have permissions to

Deleting a new user

If you are an administrator, you can delete users by clicking “Delete” next to their username.

Editing user access and resetting passwords

If you are an administrator, you can reset user’s password by editing their account information via this screen. You can also control which Areas and Command Center functions they can access by checking the appropriate selections and saving the user.