Analytics & Reports

Creating a New Navigation

If you want to see the count of available refinements (e.g., how many products would show up if you refined into Color: Blue), you will need to create a dynamic navigation.

1. Open The Dynamic Navigation Tab

2. Click “Add Dynamic Navigation”

A form to define the properties of your new navigation will open.

3. Fill Out The Properties

Property Name

This is a mandatory and important property, where you will specify the field that will be used to build the navigation.

For example, in the below illustration you can see us looking up the item.brand field, and then changing the field to just say brand.

The two different values represent two different fields in our data - it is important to know which field you’re intending to use.

The dropdown will provide all possible fields across all the uploaded collections in your catalog.

Display Name

The display name will be used as the header for your navigation. For example, you could have the display name of Brand for the field of item.brand.


This has to be the exact spelling and capitalization of an existing attribute within your data. If the attribute doesn’t yet exist, the navigation will still save, but you will not see it return until there is data in your collection that matches the value.


Your new navigation could be a numeric navigation (such as price, or ratings).

Read more on Navigation Types.

Sorting by Count or Value

They are 4 ways that you can sort Values via Command Center:

Sort Impact
Count Ascending Will use the count of the available records as sort, smallest first. E.g. “Red: 1” will come before “Blue: 10”
Count Descending Will use the count of the available records as sort, largest first. E.g. “Blue: 10” will come before “Red: 1”
Value Ascending Will use the title of the available records as sort, A-Z. E.g. “Blue: 10” will come before “Red: 1”.
Value Descending Will use the title of the available records as sort, Z-A. E.g. “Red: 1” will come before “Blue: 10”

Read more on Sorting

You can change the sort via this dropdown:


Metadata is sometimes used to let you control custom rendering on the front-end. This is a custom integration for your specific web application.

Read more on Meta Data

Pinned Refinements

Pinned refinements can be used to control the order of the first twenty refinements returned by the engine. This allows you to promote specific brands or styles, as well as set a limited manual sort order for sizes or dimensions. Any remaining refinements that are available will be returned in the order defined in the Sort dropdown.

Enable OR Queries

OR enabled navigations allow customers to select more than one option from the dynamic navigation. For example, a customer may now refine the search for “blue” or “red” colored jeans instead of just “blue” jeans. Please note, range navigations do not currently support OR queries.

Read more about OR-Navigation use and edge cases here.