Analytics & Reports

Related Queries

Related Queries - You can use the Related Queries section to specify additional search terms that can be shown along side the main set of results. This is a manually populated section and not driven by Recommendations - please review with your Project Manager on how you can automate this.

If you want to explicitly define some related queries, you can add them here. You can add multiple suggestions by separating them with a comma.

e.g cake can be related to fudge, sponge, cookie, biscuit, chocolate.

Multiple Related Query or Search Term can be entered using the following formatting:

  1. Values are separated by commas

     aaa, bbb, ccc
  2. Any value that includes double-quotes or commas must be enclosed in double-quotes

     aaa, "1,000", ccc
  3. If double-quotes are used to enclose a value, then a double-quote appearing inside a value must be escaped by preceding it with another double-quote

     aaa,bbb,"world's ""best"" product","""products"""

    would be the format for the values: aaa, bbb, world's "best" product, and "products"