Analytics & Reports

Injected Filters

Do you want to restrict which records come back for a particular experience - but without applying sweeping changes to all of your searches or browse pages?

Injected Filters at Rule level allow you to control your Recall exactly in that way:

Why Use These

There are two typical use cases for Injected Filters. In both cases we want to reduce the records returned to a subset.

Curated Landing Pages

You can create pages with a custom product set that is driven by multiple factors. These are usually triggered by a “Custom URL Parameter” - a way to trigger a rule without launching a search or a browse query.

(NOTE: Custom URL Parameter pages are built out by your IT team as the URL structure will be unique to your site.)

If you have a Custom URL parameter page, you can then define exactly which products to show by applying filters. For example, you may want to have a custom landing page for a seasonal sale - your filters would be on sale and category flags to create a mix of the right products for your promotion.

Sample Trigger:

Post Search Filters

If you want to reduce the search results to a particular subset - for example, to just a particular brand or category - you can use Injected Filters to do so.

A sample use case is if you have an agreement with a brand to only show their products when certain items are searched for. You can inject the brand filter without exposing to your customers that there is a filter applied. (The products would still be available under browse and other search paths in your catalog - and the legal obligation to manage search would be fulfilled.)

Navigation Value Filters

When adding a Navigation Value filter, you can filter on any value (String or Numeric) on your records.

You will see a dropdown of the available fields once you start typing:

The dropdown will indicate which fields are defined as a Navigation by adding the display name in brackets. You can see in the above screenshot that item.size is a Navigation of Size. The display name is hidden once the navigation is selected.

How to make Filters `Multi-Select`

If you want the filters to act as OR-enabled or multi-select - e.g. filter for color is red OR blue - you will need to configure the filter as a Dynamic Navigation.

When configuring a filter as a Dynamic Navigation, you can set it up as OR enabled. Please note that this will now return the filter as a navigation in the available navigations, which if undesired, can be filtered out via a Rule or a front-end configuration.


The refinement value is an exact match - you will need to ensure to enter the refinement value exactly as it is stored on the record.

Navigation Range Filters

Navigation Range filter allows you to narrow down the products returned by using a numeric value on the record. For example, you could want to show only well rated products.

The dropdown will only show fields that are numeric across all collections in your endpoint.

Search Append

You can append additional keywords into your search:

These terms will be added to the end of the query. The search query will obey the Match Strategy (default to Area if none specified at rule level, or Rule level if one was defined).

If your trigger was a Custom URL Parameter, using this is as if you executed a Search on the customer’s behalf.