Analytics & Reports

Types of Dynamic Navigations

There are three types of dynamic navigations: Value, Range and Dynamic Range.


Value navigations will return the count of available refinements grouped by value, e.g. if you want to return a count brand or color names.

This is the navigation to use if you don’t require a numeric range.


Range navigations will return the count of available refinements grouped by numeric ranges. This can only exist for fields with numeric types across all your collections. (Please see Field Definitions under Upload in order to set the value types for fields at upload time).

Range navigations is not inclusive of the high value.

For example, a filter into the range of 0 - 10 will result in a range from 0 - 9.99, and 10-20 will result in the range of 10 - 19.99. (We are using 2 decimals in this case, but functionally it is any value under 10.)

Range navigations do not support OR refinements. You can refine into a range that’s not pre-defined by passing in a custom range via the query. In other words: you can merge at query time 0 - 5 and 5 - 10 ranges into one 0 - 10 query. However, this new single range must be continuous.

Dynamic Ranges

Dynamic Range navigations will return the count of available refinements grouped by up to 25 automatically generated numeric ranges. This can only exist for fields with numeric types across all your collections. (Learn more about Field Definitions).

Dynamic Range navigations is not inclusive of the high value.

For example, a filter into the range of 0 - 10 will result in a range from 0 - 9.99, and 10 - 20 will result in the range of 10 - 19.99. (We are using 2 decimals in this case, but functionally it is any value under 10.)

Dynamic Range navigations do not support OR refinements.