Analytics & Reports


Within each Command Center rule you can define a number of triggers, contained within Trigger Sets.

A trigger is a search and navigation state that triggers a rule; because they determine where a rule will fire, defining a trigger is necessary step in creating a rule. The Command Center offers a number of trigger types, which give the the ability to cross-sell and upsell at every possible intersection of data that your data supports.

You can mix and match triggers within Trigger Sets, to define whether you want to have several options for triggering a rule, or combine several mandatory conditions within a set.


Search Matches

Will trigger when the search query that was sent to Command Center is an exact match.

You should check with your developers that your website sends the queries with special characters correctly (e.g. that 1/2 is correctly escaped in the query to the engine.)

If a spell correction is applied, it needs to be listed in the Search trigger as well.

Search Starts With

Triggers on the prefix of the search query. For example, if the query is Sony, then the rule will be triggered when the user searches for Sony Games.

Search Ends With

Triggers on the search ending with the terms listed. For example, if the query is Games, then the rule will be triggered when the user searches for New Games.

Search Contains

A trigger on a search containing the specified search state. For example if the search state is set to Play, then the rule will be triggered when the user searches for New PlayStation Games as well as Ready Player One.

If you require full-word matches, please see Search Regex triggers below.

Search Regex

As part of creating the Search Regex filter your Regular Expression must:

  1. Match the entire search string (not just the part that you want to capture, but all the items around it as well)
  2. Escape special characters (such as /) with backslashes (\).


Use case RegEx Notes
Search contains a string as a full word (not subset). .*\bword\b.* Replace word with your term.
Search contains a number (e.g. 1/2) .*1\/2.*
Search contains a number, with an optional quote after (e.g. 1/2 or 1/2") .*1\/2("?).*
ISBN searches (e.g. ISBN 1-56389-668-0) ISBN (?=.{13}$)\d{1,5}([- ])\d{1,7}\1\d{1,6}\1(\d|X)$

Navigation Value

A trigger on a refinement value for a navigation. For example, if the refinement value is set to Sony for navigation brand, then the rule will be triggered when refinement Sony is selected.

Navigation Range

A trigger on a refinement range for a navigation. For example, if the refinement range is set to 0 to 10 for navigation price, then the rule will be triggered when refinement range 0 - 10 is selected.

Please note that the Range must match exactly the range that’s applied within the query; in other words if the trigger is 5 - 10, the rule will not trigger if a refinement of 0 - 20 is applied.

Navigation Selected

The rule will trigger if any value is picked within the given Navigation.

For example, if you choose the field of brand, then the rule will be triggered for any chosen Brand refinement.

No Results Event

When no results are found, this trigger will apply.

This can be mixed with other triggers to create curated null-result pages.

Example: Mixing in No Results

You can create custom No Result pages (provided there is a template that your front-end team has developed) by mixing No Results with a Search Contains trigger. For example:

This will let us trigger for all searches that contained sandal but returned no results.

No Navigation Event

This will be triggered when no Dynamic Navigation is returned. This is a rare occurrence as typical configurations include sufficient navigations and/or not prune refinements, and Navigation is available until the very last set of records shown.

In an event where there is no dynamic navigation on the left hand side, you may want to use this additional retail space as an opportunity to upsell.

Custom URL Parameter

Allows you to fire a rule based on an arbitrary trigger. (This can be a URL – but doesn’t have to be.)

The front-end needs to pass a Custom URL Parameter which will have a key and a value. The rule is triggered off those:

For example, if you know that a user is signed in, front end can pass a custom parameter to trigger a special banner for signed in users. This trigger will allow you to do just about anything you’d like above and beyond the normal operations of the search engine. You should consider using this trigger if you want to trigger a rule based off information that you have about the user, as opposed to the action that the user has taken. Please note, the “Apply at this point and deeper” checkbox must be checked with this trigger.

How to mix triggers

Trigger Sets

A trigger set is a collection of triggers. For a rule to fire, only one trigger set needs to be triggered. For a trigger set to be triggered, each trigger condition within a trigger set must be met.

If you wish to have several OR conditions (“Trigger this rule if this OR this happens…”), you can add multiple sets of triggers to a rule.

All triggers within a set are treated as AND conditions, and the sets themselves are OR conditions.

An empty trigger set implies that the rule will always fire. Empty trigger sets cannot be mixed with non-empty triggered sets.


The customer searched for anything containing pipe or fitting, AND selected a Copper finish.
The customer navigated into the Pipe and Fittings category, AND selected a Copper finish.

Search Triggers

You can list several triggering words within one textbox by following these rules:

  1. Values are separated by commas

     aaa, bbb, ccc
  2. Any value that includes double-quotes or commas must be enclosed in double-quotes

     aaa, "1,000", ccc
  3. If double-quotes are used to enclose a value, then a double-quote appearing inside a value must be escaped by preceding it with another double-quote

     aaa,bbb,"world's ""best"" product","""products"""

    would be the format for the values: aaa, bbb, world's "best" product, and "products"