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GroupBy’s headless Search APIs seamlessly integrates with your eCommerce suite to enable a rich search experience for shoppers. The search engine keeps learning and evolving based on the shopper’s search behavior to produce more personalized results. You can drive higher conversions and deeper shopper engagement with smart recommendations.

Steps to upload Search data

  1. Fetch data: Extract your data from the data source and pass it to GroupBy. This can be in form of spreadsheets, XML, json.

  2. Transform data: Once we recieve this data, we process this data that fits our search engine input format.

  3. Enrich Data: Optionally, you can choose to improve the quality of your data. GroupBy Enrich augments, corrects, and normalizes eCommerce product data that leads to increase in product findability, search conversion, order value, visitor revenue and reduces null search rate.

  4. Load Data: Once the data is sanitized and enriched, we push the data to our search engine for indexing.

This completes the process to initiate search on your eCommerce application.

To try out the above steps, For a quick tour on the above points, try out our Search Tutorial.

Search Term Glossary

Here are a few terms that will be used throughtout the documentation to explain concepts and functionalities.

Term Definition
Client Key The Client Key allows you to securely access GroupBy’s API to make calls. You will always need to provide the Client Key to push or update your data, search, or perform anything that GroupBy’s API provides. You can find the Client Key in your Command Center
Area When making a Search query, it is necessary to reference a collection and an area. An area is a set of Command Center configurations stored in GroupBy Cloud
Collection A collection is a set of data stored in GroupBy Cloud. When making a Search query, it is necessary to reference a collection and an area.
Record A record is a JSON object that represents an item from your data
Index A collection of records for Search
Attributes Key/value pairs that describes the record
Category File An XML file that has a list of categories, with their IDs