Verify Beacon Health

Note: Beacon’s health can be verified using the GroupBy’s Analytics tool. This tool is available to the onboarded GroupBy clients.

After beacons are received by GroupBy’s system over a period of time, the Beacon Health Check tool helps you understand the health of your beacons on an ongoing basis. It can be accessed in GroupBy’s Command Center.

comand center beacon health check

Scheduled Health Checks

An automatic health check will run every day at 12am UTC. This health check will display results indicating the health of the beacon type only if at least 20 beacons for a given beacon type are received for the selected Area in Command Center.

On Demand Health Checks

Clicking the QUICK CHECK button will run on demand health check over the last 20 minutes of beacons received by GroupBy.

Note: There must be 20 beacons of that beacon type sent in the last 20 minutes for this check to return useful results.

Troubleshooting Bad Beacon

A bad beacon implementation is one that either fails to send the beacon to GroupBy or sends it with less than optimal data. The example below shows that even though View Product beacons are being sent to GroupBy, the Product ID attribution health check is failing, because the product ID data in the View Product beacons cannot be linked back to the Search beacons where the products were within the search results. GroupBy cannot calculate product conversion unless product IDs match across beacon types.

beacon health check failing

Click View Details to learn more about what can cause the health check to fail and what steps you can take to make the health check pass.