Analytics & Reports


The container for managing the actively viewed page of search results.

Provided Aliases: $paging


const labels = {
  first: '«',
  last: '»',
  prev: '‹',
  next: '›'

<gb-paging labels="{ labels }"></gb-paging>


All of these are optional.

Property Type Default Notes
showLabels boolean true Set to false to hide the labels.
numericLabels boolean false Set to true to use numeric values for page numbers instead of labels.
labels.first string 'First' The label for the control that returns user to the first page of search results.
labels.last string 'Last' The label for the control that brings the user to the last page of search results.
labels.prev string 'Prev' The label for the control that returns user to the previous page of search results. string 'Next' The label for the control that brings the user to the next page of search results.
limit number 5 The maximum number of pages to show at once.


Property Type Default Notes
highOverflow boolean false Determines whether ellipsis should be shown on the right side of <gb-pages> to indicate hidden page numbers above the current range.
lowOverflow boolean false Determines whether ellipsis should be shown on the left side of <gb-pages> to indicate hidden page numbers below the current range.
backDisabled boolean true Indicates whether or not paging backward is possible. When true, previous and first paging options will be disabled.
forwardDisabled boolean false Indicates whether or not paging forward is possible. When true, next and last paging options will be disabled.
range number[] [] An array of all page numbers that should be displayed by <gb-pages>.
firstPage() function Sends an action to request the first page of results.
lastPage() function Sends an action to request the last page of results.
prevPage() function Sends an action to request the previous page of results.
nextPage() function Sends an action to request the next page of results.
switchPage(page) function Sends an action to request results for the specified page number.


Event Affected State Properties
'page_updated' backDisabled, current, first, forwardDisabled, from, highOverflow, icons, labels, last, limit, lowOverflow, next, numericLabels, previous, range, showIcons, showLabels, sizes, to