Analytics & Reports


SAYT engine display. Requires Autocomplete configuration in your StoreFront configuration.

Provided Aliases: $sayt


  <div if="{ $sayt.isActive }">
    <gb-recommendations if="{ $sayt.showRecommendations }"></gb-recommendations>
    <gb-sayt-autocomplete if="{ !$sayt.showRecommendations }" labels="{ props.labels }">
        <gb-list items="{ $autocomplete.categoryValues }" item-alias="categoryValue">
          <gb-link class="gb-autocomplete-target" on-click="{ $saytCategories.onClick($categoryValue) }">
            <gb-raw content="{ $sayt.highlight($categoryValue, '<b>$&</b>') }"></gb-raw>
            <span class="gb-autocomplete-category">{ $autocomplete.category }</span>
      <gb-sayt-search-terms labels="{ props.labels }">
        <gb-list items="{ $autocomplete.suggestions }" item-alias="suggestion">
          <gb-link class="gb-autocomplete-target" on-click="{ $searchTerms.onClick($suggestion.value) }">
            <gb-raw content="{ $sayt.highlight($suggestion.value, '<b>$&</b>') }"></gb-raw>
        <gb-list items="{ $autocomplete.navigations }" item-alias="navigation">
            <h4>{ $navigation.field }</h4>
            <gb-list items="{ $navigation.refinements }" item-alias="refinement">
              <gb-link class="gb-autocomplete-target" on-click="{ $navigations.onClick($navigation.field, $refinement) }">
                <gb-raw content="{ $sayt.highlight($refinement, '<b>$&</b>') }"></gb-raw>
    <gb-sayt-products if="{ $sayt.showProducts && !$sayt.showRecommendations }">
      <gb-list items="{ $saytProducts.products }">
        <gb-product product="{ $item }">
          <gb-link url="{ $ }" on-click="{ $product.onClick }">
            <img riot-src="{ $ }" alt="" />
          <gb-link url="{ $ }" on-click="{ $product.onClick }">{ $ }</gb-link>
          <p>{ $ }</p>

Example Implementation



Property Type Default Required Notes
labels.trending string 'Trending' Will be displayed next to recommended suggestions.
recommendations boolean false Set to true to enable the display of recommended products on focus.


Property Type Default Notes
isActive boolean true true when SAYT is in the current result set, false otherwise.
showProducts boolean true true when there are SAYT products in the current result set, false otherwise.
showRecommendations boolean false true when the recommended products panel should be displayed, false otherwise.
highlight(value, replacement) function See more below.

highlight(value, replacement)

  • value: string - the term to highlight
  • replacement: string - the replacement value for the query

Replaces the value in the autocomplete suggestion with the replacement. For example:

highlight('har', '<b>$&</b>');
// given the suggestion 'harry'
// returns '<b>har</b>ry'


Event Affected State Properties
'sayt:show' isActive
'sayt:hide' isActive
'sayt:show_recommendations' showRecommendations
'autocomplete_query_updated' showRecommendations
'url:updated' isActive

Child Components: Recommendations

The recommendations component. Requires configuration settings in the autocomplete section of your StoreFront configuration. You must set recommendations: true in your sayt property in tags in order for recommendations to be visible in the SAYT component. For example:

// StoreFront Configuration
new storefront({
  autocomplete: {
    recommendations: {
      suggestionCount: 2,
      suggestionMode: 'popular',
      location: true
  tags: {
    sayt: {
      recommendations: true



Child Components: Autocomplete

A container to display the autocomplete SAYT Suggestions based on a passed in query. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

Provided Aliases: $autocomplete




This component does not have any properties.


Property Type Default Event Event Handler Description
selected number -1 'sayt:activate_next', 'sayt:activate_previous', 'sayt:select_active' activateNext(), activatePrevious(), selectActive() The index of the selected autocomplete suggestion, -1 if none are selected.
category string The field of the autocomplete category as returned in the response.
categoryValues string[] The value of the autocomplete category as returned in the response.
suggestions string[] The suggested terms based on the query as returned in the response.
navigations Store.Autocomplete.Navigation[] The navigation suggestions as returned in the response.


Event Affected State Properties
'sayt:activate_next' selected
'sayt:activate_previous' selected
'sayt:select_active' selected

Child Components: Categories

Displays the autocomplete SAYT suggestions for a specific category. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

Provided Aliases: $saytCategories

  • This component does not have any properties.
  • This component does not listen for any events.




Property Type Default Description
onClick function Sends an action to update the search with the given value.value: string - the suggested term

Child Components: Search Terms

Displays the autocomplete SAYT suggestion search terms. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

Provided Aliases: $searchTerms

  • This component does not have any properties.
  • This component does not listen for any events.




Property Type Default
onClick function


Sends an action to update the search with the given query.

  • query: string - the suggested term

Child Components: Navigations

Displays the autocomplete SAYT suggestions for navigations. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

Provided Aliases: $navigations

  • This component does not have any properties.
  • This component does not listen for any events.




Property Type Default Description
onClick function Sends an action to update the search with the given navigation. field: string - the suggested navigation field. value: string - the suggested navigation value.

Child Components: Refinements

Displays the autocomplete SAYT suggestion refinements for a given navigation. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

  • This component does not have any properties.
  • This component does not have any properties in state.
  • This component does not listen for any events.



Child Components: SAYT Products

Displays the SAYT product suggestions. Not to be used outside of the SAYT container.

Note: By default the search string is used to fetch product images See storefront configuration for more information

Provided Aliases: $saytProducts




Property Type Default Notes
products object[] [] The SAYT suggested products given the query.


Event Affected State Properties
'autocomplete_products_updated' products