Analytics & Reports

StoreFront configuration

StoreFront requires some initial configuration to get up and running. This takes the shape of a JSON object, and is passed to storefront on initialization.

Most all configurations for OOTB components can be configured here.

It is made of the following areas:

  • Top Level configuration - This is customerId, collection, and area being used globally.
  • Structure - This is a mapping of data fields to variables that can be used in the markup to display product/article data.
  • Tags - This is where you find configuration for most base Tags, Autocomplete/SAYT is handled in it’s own section.
  • Search - Here you can set search page specific configurations.
  • Autocomplete - Here lies configurations that are specific to Autocomplete/SAYT.
  • Recommendations - This is where product recommendations are handled outside of Autocomplete.
  • Personalization - Here is where realTimeBiasing and other personalization features are configured.
  • Network - This is where you can configure network settings, like https and timeout.
  • Services - This is where you find URL configuration as well as logging.
  • Mixins - This is where you add custom Tag mixins.
  • Options - Additional configuration options.