Analytics & Reports


Property Type Default
idField number 'productId'
location object Read More
iNav object Read More
productSuggestions object Read More
overrides object Read More


The field used to track products for integration with recommendations services.


By default, the location service is disabled. Enable location service and use resolved location to request recommended suggestions. Set properties as undefined or as false to disable.

Property Type
distance string
minSize number

An example location config:

location: {
  distance: '100km',
  minSize: 10,


The max distance from the customer in kilometers or miles. The distance is specified as a string in the format *n*km or *n*mi where n is a non-negative integer.


The minimum required products returned in the response from a request with the location service enabled.

When there are not enough products

If there are not enough products in the initial response with the location service on, then another request will be sent with the location service off and the result will be used regardless of the number of products returned.


Option for sorting navigations and the refinements within those navigations based on popularity

Property Type Default
navigations object
refinements object
minSize number
size number 10
window day, week or month day

An example iNav config:

iNav: {
  navigations: {
    sort: true,
    pinned: ['category2', 'category3']
  refinements: {
    sort: ['category1'],
    pinned: {
      category2: ['refinement-a', 'refinement-b'],
      category1: ['refinement-c', 'refinement-d']
  size: 10,
  minSize: 5,
  window: 'day'


The number of navigations to fetch from the API


The minimum required navigations returned in the response from an iNav request for a specific query.

If minSize is not set then it defaults to size.

When there are not enough navigations

If there are not enough navigations in the response, then an iNav request will be sent without a query and the returned navigations will be whatever navigations are returned in the response, even if they are less than the minSize amount.


How far to look back to determine popularity


Option for sorting navigations

Property Type Default
sort boolean false
pinned array


Whether or not to sort the navigations based on their popularity


An array holding the names of navigations to optionally keep pinned at the top of the navigations, regardless of popularity.

Using the above config as a reference: category2 and category3 would be pinned up above all other navigations (in the order specified in the given array) no matter their popularity


Option for sorting refinements within the navigations

Property Type Default
sort boolean or string[] false
pinned { [key: string]: string[] }


Whether or not to sort the refinements based on their popularity. When it is a boolean, all refinements will be sorted or unsorted.

When it is an array of strings, it will only sort the refinements within the given navigations.


An object whose keys match the names of the navigations, with each key corresponding an array of strings matching refinement names in order to be pinned to the top of their respective navigation menus

Using the above config as a reference:

  • In the navigation category2, the refinements refinement-a and refinement-b would be pinned up above all other refinements (in the order specified in the given array)

  • In the navigation category1, the refinements refinement-c and refinement-d would be pinned up above all other refinements (in the order specified in the given array)

Note that the navigations specified to be pinned in navigations do not have to be the same navigations with their refinements pinned in refinements, in the above config, navigations category2 and category3 are being pinned, but we are pinning refinements within category1 and category2


Property Type Default
productCount number 4
mode string 'popular'


The number of recommended products to request.


The type of recommended products to request. Options are 'popular', 'trending' and 'recent'.


Recommendations makes 4 API calls that may be overrided:

  • navigations calls the recommendations API and powers the recommended navigations.
  • ids calls the recommendations API and powers the recommended product ids.
  • products calls the search API and powers the recommended products.
  • autocompleteSuggestions calls the recommendations API and powers the recommended suggested keywords.

These overrides let us add additional configuration to these calls.

Property Type
navigations object
ids object
products object
autocompleteSuggestions object


The overrides to use for your recommended navigations to the recommendations API. Please refer to Recommendations API for what parameters you can pass in here.

For example, we can override the window used:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    navigations: {
      window: 'month'

You can also use a function that returns an object to set the overrides:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    suggestions: (currReq, prevReq) => {
      // do stuff
      return { ...currReq, window: 'month' };


The overrides to use for your recommended ids to the recommendations API. Please refer to Recommendations API for what parameters you can pass in here.

For example, we can override the target used:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    ids: {
      target: 'productId'

You can also use a function that returns an object to set the overrides:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    ids: (currReq, prevReq) => {
      // do stuff
      return { ...currReq, target: 'productId' };


The overrides to use for your recommended products to the search API. Please refer to SEARCH API for what parameters you can pass in here.

For example, we can override the query used:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    products: {
      query: 'dress'

You can also use a function that returns an object to set the overrides:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    products: (currReq, prevReq) => {
      // do stuff
      return { ...currReq, query: 'dress' };


The overrides to use for your recommended keyword suggestions to the recommendations API. Please refer to Recommendations API for what parameters you can pass in here.

For example, we can override the size used:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    autocompleteSuggestions: {
      size: 2

You can also use a function that returns an object to set the overrides:

recommendations: {
  overrides: {
    autocompleteSuggestions: (currReq, prevReq) => {
      // do stuff
      return { ...currReq, size: 2 };