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View all event definitions.

Events are signals that something has occurred that send relevant data with their occurrence. For example, the products_updated event indicates that products have been updated, and sends the new products with the event.

Events are useful in that components, services, and other entities within an implementation can listen for them and do something in response. This section below describes how to listen for events via FluxCapacitor, as well as directly from components. This section also includes documentation on how to emit events using FluxCapacitor.



To listen on a collection of events via FluxCapacitor, use all().

const onProductsAndTemplateUpdated = () => {
  // Do something after the `products_updated` and `template_updated` events have been emitted.

this.flux.all(['products_updated', 'template_updated'], onProductsAndTemplateUpdated);
Removing Callbacks
  • Any callbacks registered using all() will persist until they are removed via allOff().
  • Avoid defining callbacks inline (ie. all(['a', b'], () => { ... })), as they cannot be removed.


To remove a callback for a given collection of events via FluxCapacitor, use allOff().

this.flux.allOff(['products_updated', 'template_updated'], onProductsAndTemplateUpdated);

Callbacks can only be removed by providing the same reference as was used for registration.


To listen for each occurrence of an event via FluxCapacitor, use on().

const onProductsUpdated = (products) => {
  // Deal with products

this.flux.on('products_updated', onProductsUpdated);


To listen for a single occurrence of an event via FluxCapacitor, use once().

this.flux.once('products_updated', (products) => {
  // Deal with products

Callbacks registered using once() will be invoked on the next occurrence of the event, then removed.

Removing Callbacks
  • Any callbacks registered using on() will persist until they are removed via off().
  • Avoid defining callbacks inline (ie. on('a', () => { ... })), as they cannot be removed


To remove a callback for a given event via FluxCapacitor, use off().'products_updated', onProductsUpdated);

Callbacks can only be removed by providing the same reference as was used for registration.


To emit an event and payload directly from FluxCapacitor, use emit().

this.flux.emit('my_custom_event', { foo: 'bar' });
Emitting Events

Implementations should only emit custom/implementation-specific events. Emitting events used by StoreFront (ie. products_updated) may have unintended side effects.



To register single event callbacks directly from a component, use subscribe(). Callbacks registered in this way will be invoked each time the event is emitted.

class MyCoolComponent {
  init() {
    this.subscribe('products_updated', this.onProductsUpdated);

  onProductsUpdated(products) {
    // Do something each time 'products_updated' is emitted.


For another approach to registering single event callbacks directly from a component, use subscribeOnce(). Callbacks registered in this way will be invoked in response to the first occurence of the event, then removed.

class MyCoolComponent {
  init() {
    this.subscribeOnce('products_updated', this.onFirstProductsUpdated);

  onFirstProductsUpdated(products) {
    // Do something the first time 'products_updated' is emitted.

By default, each callback is invoked in the context of flux. To override this behavior, bind your callback and call subscribe with the resulting function.


To register a callback for a collection of events directly from a component, use subscribeWith(). Callbacks registered in this way will be invoked whenever each event in the given collection has been emitted at least once.

class MyCoolComponent {
  init() {
    this.subscribeWith(['products_updated', 'template_updated'], this.doTheThing);

  doTheThing() {
    // Do something when `products_updated` and `template_updated` have each been emitted at least once.

Unlike subscribe, callbacks registered via subscribeWith are not invoked with any arguments. Any information required by the callback must be extracted from the application store, or from the context in which it is invoked.