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Aliases allow you to pass data from one component to any child component within its tree without having to pass it down as props in each level.

Aliases follow the Provider/Consumer pattern used in React’s Context API. An alias must be provided by a component, then explicitly consumed by another to use it. Once consumed, the alias is available as $<alias-name> on the tag.


Components may provide an alias using the @provide decorator or the tag.provide() method.

@provide(aliasName: string, resolver?: (props, state, aliases) => any)

A tag decorator that provides an alias with the given name for the component it decorates. If a resolver function is not supplied, the state is returned by default.


@tag('custom-tag', require('/gb-docs/index.html'))
class CustomTag {
    // ...

The @provide decorator can also take a resolver function. The following will provide the component’s props instead of its state:

@provide('customTag', (props, state, aliases) => props)
@tag('custom-tag', require('/gb-docs/index.html'))
class CustomTag {
    // ...

tag.provide(aliasName: string, resolver?: (props, state, aliases) => any)

A method to provide an alias with the given name for the component. If a resolver function is not supplied, the state is returned by default. Use this method in your init() function.

init() {

The provide() function can also take a resolver function. The following will provide the component’s props instead of its state:

init() {
    tag.provide('customTag', (props, state, aliases) => props);


An alias in the component’s scope is not automatically made accessible in a component; the alias must be consumed first. Consuming an alias makes the alias available within the component. However, a consumed alias is not made accessible to child components, so the alias must be consumed by the child component to use it there.

After an alias has been consumed, it can be accessed through the $<alias-name> property on the tag.

@consume(name: string)

A tag decorator that makes the alias with the given name accessible within the component.


To consume the customTag alias provided in the example for @provide:

@tag('custom-child-tag', require('/gb-docs/index.html'))
class CustomChildTag {
  // the alias can now be accessed as this.$customTag inside the class

tag.consume(aliasName: string)

A method to consume the alias with the given name for the component.


init() {
  // the alias can now be accessed as this.$customTag here
  // and at any point after this in the lifecycle

_consumes attribute

An attribute on a component’s HTML tag that takes a comma-separated list of aliases. This attribute makes the given aliases accessible inside the component and is not necessary for native HTML tags.


  <custom-child-tag _consumes="customTag">{ $customTag.value }</custom-child-tag>

Recall that an alias is not automatically consumed by any child components.

  <!-- $customTag is not accessible directly under the providing component -->
  <custom-child-tag _consumes="customTag">
    <!-- $customTag is accessble outside of any tags -->
    <span><!-- $customTag is accessible in this HTML tag --></span>
      <!-- $customTag is not accessble in this custom component -->
    <gb-container _consumes="customTag">
      <!-- $customTag is accessble in this custom component that consumes the alias -->

Migrating from Legacy Aliasing

A number of simple changes must be made to migrate from the legacy aliasing pattern to the provide/consume pattern.


Support for the legacy aliasing pattern is deprecated. The provide/consume pattern is preferred for all new implementations.

Table of Equivalents

Legacy aliasing Provide/Consume
@alias(aliasName: string) @provide(aliasName: string, resolver?: (props, state, aliases) => any)
tag.expose(aliasName: string) tag.provide(aliasName: string, resolver?: (props, state, aliases) => any)
<span>{ $myComponent.myValue }</span> (in a component that does not consume myComponent) <span data-is="gb-container" _consumes="myComponent">{ $myComponent.myValue }</span>
<custom-component>{ $myComponent.myValue }</custom-component> <custom-component _consumes="myComponent">{ $myComponent.myValue }</custom-component>
{ $myComponent.myValue } (outside of any child components) @consume(aliasName: string) (decorator) or tag.consume(aliasName: string) in init()

Legacy Aliases


Support for this aliasing pattern is deprecated. The provide/consume pattern is preferred for new implementations. To migrate to the provide/consume pattern, see Migrating from legacy aliasing.

To use this legacy aliasing with @storefront/core 1.43.0 or later, set options.legacyAliasing to true in your config.

Aliases make properties and state on a component available to all child components from the $<alias-label> object.

<gb-container title="{ 'my-tag' }">
  <!-- Adds a $container alias to the container tag -->
  { updateAlias('container', props) }
  <gb-breadcrumbs labels="{ { results: 'Showing results for' } }">
    <h1>{ $container.title }</h1>
    <div if="{ state.originalQuery }">{ props.labels.results }: { state.originalQuery }</div>

Any of the aliases available on components can be accessed through the $<alias-label> object. All of the components are aliased, so any tags put within the main components can access their top-level properties and state.

For example, using the gb-breadcrumbs component:

<gb-breadcrumbs labels="{ { results: 'Showing results for' } }">
  <div if="{ $breadcrumbs.originalQuery }">{ $breadcrumbs.labels.results }: { $breadcrumbs.originalQuery }</div>

expose(alias, value?)

expose('<alias-label>', <object-to-alias?>);

This function can be used to add an alias to any tag for the first time. You can pass any object as the second argumented to be aliased, not just state or props. If a second argument is not passed, the tag’s state is aliased.

updateAlias(alias, value)

updateAlias('<alias-label>', <object-to-alias>)

This function can be used to update an alias or add an alias to any tag, as shown in the example above. You can pass any object as the second argument to be added to the alias, not just state or props.


class <Tag-Name> {
  // ...

This decorator can be used to add an alias to any tag. It is the equivalent of calling expose() with no second argument.